
Acupuncture FOr Diabetes

Diabetes is recognized as one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. More than 16 million people in the USA have Type 2 Diabetes, that’s more than 7% of the adult population! The primary cause of Diabetes is a dysfunction of the pancreas and kidneys. Acupuncture has a great success rate working wonders on correcting these dysfunction and bringing the body back into proper balance.

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine can regulate the function of the pancreas, kidney, and help to lower blood glucose content as well as lower the release of pancreatic glucagon. Along with this Oriental Medicine will aid in controlling the factors that create or worsen diabetes symptoms like the urge to over eat and drink. Not only can Eastern Medicine be a life saver if you have been diagonosed with diabetes, but it can also help a great deal as a preventative action if you have been warned that you are at a high risk of developing diabetes.

Don’t delay the relief you’ve been waiting for. Dr. JiMong works with each patient and uses the most effective acupuncture techniques to provide the best results for diabetes. Please Contact Us to begin your healing journey.

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